Over the last fifteen years, I have helped many of my friends launch businesses and saved other friend's failing businesses.
Three years ago, I served as the company's COO during their launch phase.
Since then, I have launched many more businesses and founded and helped found non-profits too.
Last year, I participated in the MOONshots Scholars Program, a course on entrepreneurial and innovative mindset development, taught by Touro University. Additionally, I've competed in the Business Plan Competition at Touro University. This meant coming up with an original business idea, preparing a business plan that demonstrates my research in the field to which I seek to contribute, and performing a 5-minute investor's pitch before judges.
My nonprofit KEYLOM ran Business Lioness monthly meetings for two years, assisting the local woman in galvanizing their talents and resources for a thriving economy.
My skill set is unique and diverse. I am familiar with marketing and branding, computer programming, web design, and laws of business and nonprofit sectors. I've run teams and assisted others in planning and setting up their teams. I have great abstract thinking and organizational skills. Rather than bore you with my qualifications list, I'll just say, that I'd love to be a centralized launching pad for your ambitious idea.
Another way to say it is that with me you simply don't need to fit into the box.
Since I love creating from scratch, I'll create a path for you where your success is the targeted outcome.
Bespoke is an English word that means tailored to your needs.

Here's how I can help:
1. Executive Strategic Consulting
I work directly with the Executive/s on the following goals:
-Understanding yourself and your greater reality.
-Defining your obstacles and areas of resistance.
-Strategizing solutions and implementing them.
-Reaching success while feeling grounded and supported.
- Celebrating and reevaluating.
2. Serving as the Fractional Bespoke COO during your business launch or restructuring process
As an experienced COO of a multi-million dollar company and as someone who's helped many companies launch and several failing businesses pivot/ restructure, bring me your idea, and I'll help you make it happen.
This option focuses on the business itself and provides all-inclusive guidance and handholding.

"The impact of your hard work is still being felt and appreciated"
Y Ganz, Pomelo LLC, CEO
"I still remember how invested you were in getting a great team going"
C Rosenfeld